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Results for ‘case studies

117 results found


eDiscovery Definition Electronic Discovery (eDiscovery) is the process of finding and collecting electronically stored information (or ESI) – typically for lawsuits, investigation, or legal purposes. The discovery process is the opening phase for litigation proceedings, where parties involved are required to provide all information and data that’s relevant to the case. Unfortunately, gathering this information […]

Business Continuity Disaster Recovery (BCDR)

Business Continuity Disaster Recovery (BCDR) definition “Business Continuity Disaster Recovery”, or “BCDR” for short, is used throughout the IT industry as a benchmark for organization resiliency in the face of unplanned disruptions. ‘Business Continuity’ refers to an organization’s level of readiness to continue mission-critical operations throughout and after an emergency or disruption. ‘Disaster Recovery’ refers […]

Data Encryption

Definition Encryption is a type of security process that converts data from a readable format called plaintext into an encoded, unreadable form called ciphertext. Encryption effectively scrambles usable data into a unique, random string of bits – rendering it undecipherable. Decrypting data  requires access to a private encryption key, which decodes and unscrambles the encrypted […]

Data Center Consolidation

Overview of Data Center Consolidation Data center consolidation is an important strategy for many modern organizations. By combining multiple physical data centers into one or more larger data centers, organizations can save money, improve efficiency, and increase scalability. This process can involve a variety of technologies, such as virtualization, cloud computing, or colocation. The main […]

Database Backup

Database backup definition Database backup is the process of creating a copy (backing up) of an organization’s structured data utilized by popular databases such as SAP HANA and Microsoft SQL Server. The purpose of creating a copy is to reconstruct the original data when the need for data and database workload recovery arises in the […]

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud is IT architecture that combines at least one private cloud, also known as an on-premises data center, with one or more public cloud services.

File and Object Backup

File and object backup solutions offer data protection for two different unstructured data types: object storage and file systems. First, object storage is a computer data storage architecture that manages data as objects, unlike file systems that contain data in a file hierarchy.


Containerization is a method of software application deployment that involves packaging an application and its dependencies into a single lightweight container. The container provides a consistent and isolated runtime environment, which allows the application to run reliably and consistently across different computing environments, such as local machines, data centers, or cloud platforms.

Data Deduplication

Data Deduplication Data deduplication definition Data deduplication, also called “dedup”, eliminates duplicate or redundant information in a dataset. In short, dedup is a process that ensures only one copy of data exists in a particular dataset or block. The process improves storage capacity and optimizes redundancies without compromising the fidelity or integrity of the data. […]

Endpoint Backup

Endpoint Backup Definition Endpoint backup solutions offer data protection for employee user devices, including desktops and laptops for today’s remote workforce. By collecting and transmitting data residing on employee devices, Endpoint backup solutions can protect users by automatically and securely backing up data copies offsite to a cloud storage location, without any end user intervention. […]