Honoring Domestic Violence Awareness

As we continue our Commvault Cares Month celebration, we are raising awareness on causes close to our hearts.

As we continue our Commvault Cares Month celebration, we are raising awareness on causes close to our hearts.

This week I had the honor of hosting a Courageous Conversation regarding domestic violence awareness. Our Courageous Conversation platform is our way to have the tough conversation about things that matter – and this one sure did not fail!

During our Courageous Conversation, I was joined by special guests Anna Diaz-White, Caitlin Tamayo, and Randi Zamkotowicz from 180 Turning Lives Around, a local non-profit organization in the New Jersey area that empowers survivors and families affected by domestic violence and sexual assault to find the courage and strength to turn their lives around. We also had Bill Appleton from our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to share more about the resources and support we have as Vaulters. Available 24/7, 365 days per year, our EAP connects participants with counselors specialized in a variety of focus areas, many of which are aspects of mental health.

We broadcasted our Courageous Conversation on domestic violence live from our headquarters so all our Vaulters could join the discussion. During the event, we focused on three ways to drive awareness of domestic violence – how to Recognize, Respond, and Refer – whether it’s for ourselves, our co-workers, friends, or family:

  1. Recognize signs of domestic violence and better understand how common it is. The reality is that anyone can be a victim of domestic violence, regardless of race, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or economic status. If you are questioning how you’re treated by your partner, I encourage you to review this checklist from the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. And when it comes to recognizing signs of domestic violence abuse with a colleague, friend, or family member, it’s important to notice changes in behavior and dress and check in if you think someone may be in an unsafe situation.  
  2. Respond by creating a safety plan to help lower the risk of being hurt by a partner. This is a set of actions to be referenced when experiencing abuse, preparing to leave, or after a victim leaves. Having a safety plan is especially important during moments of crisis when stress makes it very hard to think clearly. An example of one of these actions is to keep a “to-go bag” ready and waiting. This way, in case of an emergency situation, someone who is being abused is able to leave immediately with all the essentials.
  3. Refer to local and/or company resources for safety planning and support. Like many local organizations across the U.S. and throughout the world, 180 Turning Lives Around has hotlines, a safe house, and counselors available to help domestic violence victims. At Commvault, our HR team and our EAP is here to help all our Vaulters through any life challenges.

And while October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the U.S., we continue to talk about this incredibly important topic year-round as we honor domestic violence awareness days across the world throughout the year.

We believe you need to have the conversation, to change the conversation. And any conversation, whether it’s big or small, can make a difference. I’m so proud of our Vaulter community for continuing to have open discussions as we support our culture of respect, care, and belonging.

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