Five Best Practices for Ransomware Readiness

Commvault ransomware protection solutions are built on responsiveness, innovation, and rapid execution to help you stay one step ahead.

Ransomware threats continue to dominate headlines — and for good reason.

The good news is that you can strengthen your organization’s resiliency and security posture and stay one step ahead of ransomware with proactive data security best practices.

After all, the steps you take today to protect and defend against threats can determine how quickly your organization can resume normal business operations if you get hit with ransomware. For comprehensive coverage of cyber threats, you must proactively invest in preventative security measures to keep data safe and recoverable from attacks.

Follow these five best practices to implement a solid ransomware readiness strategy.

Have a Multilayered Security Plan

With ransomware threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, a multilayered approach to securing your data dramatically helps reduce your organization’s risk. Commvault believes a multilayered security framework that can protect, detect and recover is the best approach to protecting and recovering from ransomware attacks. While the average is 21 days of downtime, we have seen organizations resume operations as quickly as two days when leveraging a multilayered security approach.

Learn about Commvault’s multilayered approach to protect, detect, and recover from cyber threats. Learn more >

Control Who Has Access

Effective data protection starts with a strong foundation. Hardened security protocols, such as multifactor authentication, advanced data encryption, and zero-trust user access controls prevent unwarranted access to systems and data. With Commvault, you can identify risk exposure and coverage status from a single management console across your entire environment.

Watch this video to see how Commvault provides data security controls. 

Isolate and Air Gap

Data isolation using air gap techniques can reduce the exposure of backup data to malware and other vulnerabilities. Commvault suggests implementing a 3-2-1 back strategy for greater ransomware protection: 3 copies of your data, on 2 different media types, with 1 copy offsite. Utilize your cloud first initiatives for not just primary data but to secure your backups as well. Commvault provides a modernized approach to air gapping that is not only simple but also provides the maximum level of security needed to protect against lateral moving threats.

Segment Your Networks

If a cyberattack is successful, don’t give outside threats unlimited access to your entire network. Divide your network into smaller segments to prevent lateral movement and compromise of your business-critical data. Commvault augments your security strategy by providing the flexibility to quickly add cloud storage using Metallic® Recovery Reserve™. Using Metallic® Recovery Reserve™, you can easily implement an offsite cloud storage location, providing a virtual air-gapped, immutable copy of your data to satisfy the 3-2-1 backup storage rule and safeguard your data from cyberattacks.

Improve Security Posture

You need the ability to catch threats before they impact your business. Commvault provides centralized visibility and management through a single, unified platform with security dashboards and alerts to quickly identify risk exposure, detect suspicious activity, and resume business operations. The Commvault Security Health Assessment Dashboard offers a single place for IT Admins to bolster security posture quickly, identify risks in real-time, take corrective action, and rapidly recover data.

Commvault ransomware protection solutions are built on responsiveness, innovation, and rapid execution to help you stay one step ahead of ransomware. With Commvault, you have the most robust data management features at your fingertips to ensure your data remains secure and resilient, keeping your business ransomware ready.

Want to gain more insight into securing your enterprise data to avoid becoming headline news? Read how five organizations were attacked, how they recovered, and their lessons learned. Read Now >

Take our free ransomware risk assessment to learn how prepared you are. 

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