Cyber Challenges to Overcome  

In a rapidly evolving landscape of risks, organizations prioritize protecting data.  

For security and IT professionals, the risk landscape is constantly evolving, and they are particularly concerned about external threats and breaches. Organizations realize it’s not a matter of if or when they will be breached, but a matter of what to do when they find out they have already been breached. 

We partnered with GigaOm to survey 1,000 IT and security leaders globally for our inaugural Cyber Recovery Readiness Report – and we learned a lot about the daunting set of challenges they face.

Respondents’ top security challenges include increasingly sophisticated hackers and attack types, use of artificial intelligence by cybercriminals, a broader attack surface due to cloud and SaaS, and adopting AI-based technologies across security tooling.  

Our respondents’ adoption of several general security capabilities – identity and access management; intrusion protection, detection, and response; data loss prevention/protection; and security posture management – hovers in the 75% to 80% range, with the current solution in place either satisfactory or in need of improvement. However, looked at generally, 42% of respondents are satisfied with their general cybersecurity, while 38% see a need for improvement to their cybersecurity measures.  

When it comes to cyber recovery, the top challenge named in our survey was the complexity of critical apps and data, cited by 44% of respondents, followed by cost. A significant number of organizations (42%) lack a clear understanding of who is responsible for driving cyber resilience and recovery strategies and execution.

Fortunately for those organizations that lack clear ownership for cyber recovery strategies – and for the 38% whose cybersecurity measures need improvement – the full Cyber Recovery Readiness Report is available now. It’s full of actionable insights that will leave you better prepared to withstand and recover from a breach, including the five maturity markers we found in cyber resilient organizations. Download it here.

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