Celebrating World Environment Day  

Today marks World Environment Day, where people across the globe celebrate environmental action and the power of governments, businesses and individuals to create a more sustainable world.

World Environment Day puts a global spotlight on the pressing environmental challenges of our times and has become the largest global platform for environmental outreach, with millions of people from across the world engaging to protect the planet. This year’s World Environment Day campaign focuses on land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience under the slogan Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.  

As Co-Executive Sponsors of Commvault’s Environmental Employee Affinity Group (EAG), we’re excited to celebrate World Environment Day with the launch of our 2024 Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report. This year’s report marks a pivotal step in Commvault’s commitment to climate action and resilience.  

We’re proud to share key highlights from our environmental focus in this year’s report:  

  • We recognize the growing risks associated with climate change and the need for businesses to enhance their resiliency. 
  • We completed our inaugural Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions assessment in FY 2024, providing a comprehensive baseline to guide our environmental objectives. 
  • The assessment followed the USA Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Center for Corporate Climate Leadership Standards, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard, and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard. 
  • We identified three key climate change-related developments material to our business: extreme weather events, data center energy usage, and corporate emissions. 
  • Our Scope 1 emissions are 373.2 MT CO2e, Scope 2 emissions are 10,301.8 MT CO2e, and Scope 3 emissions are 3,631.4 MT CO2e. 
  • With drought resilience as a key theme for this year’s World Environment Day, we are proud to confirm that our primary datacenter is not in a high-stress water region. 
  • We are committed to developing a climate action program to address emissions, mitigate our exposure to climate induced events, and remain compliant with emerging regulations across jurisdictions. 
  • We have adopted a dynamic materiality approach to align with the pace of change in environmental realities and regulatory landscapes.

We believe that it is our responsibility, as humans and as a company, to contribute to a healthier and more sustainable world. Commvault’s Enivronmental EAG continues to create a space for Vaulters with a passion for environmental sustainability. We strive to be champions of environmental conservation and to increase awareness for environmental issues within Commvault, our industry, and our communities.  

Commvault’s 2024 ESG Report is an encouraging example of our commitment to climate action and resilience! To learn more about our Environmental EAG, as well as Commvault’s other employee groups, click here

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