Unveiling the Secrets of Cyber Resilience

Ready to level up your cybersecurity game and protect your organization from the lurking threats? Look no further. Our recent cybersecurity webinar was an explosive gathering of industry experts, and now you can watch it on demand. Get ready to unlock the secrets of cyber resilience and fortify your defenses like never before..

Key takeaways:

  1. Digital risks: Understand and manage them like a pro. Discover why understanding digital risks is crucial for organizational resilience. Melissa Hathaway, President of Hathaway Global Strategies, reveals the steps organizations must take to ensure they can deliver their products and services even during cyber crises. Don’t let digital vulnerabilities catch you off guard.

  1. Cybersecurity integration: It’s time to level up. Integrate cybersecurity and privacy practices seamlessly into your business operations and strategy. Jeff Whitmyer, Principal at Grant Thornton, challenges the perception of cybersecurity as a mere IT capability or compliance program. Learn how to view cybersecurity as a value driver for your business. It’s time to align your strategy and protect what matters most.

  1. Testing and clean rooms: The secret sauce of cyber resilience. Discover the importance of testing and clean rooms in cybersecurity. Karl Rautenstrauch, Principal Product Manager at Microsoft, unveils the key to obtaining cyber insurance and quick payouts. Frequent testing, involving business stakeholders, and including critical applications are the ingredients for a resilient organization. Don’t leave your defenses to chance.
  1. Artificial intelligence: The double-edged sword you need to master. Explore the implications of AI on the threat landscape. Our experts reveal how AI can be both a boon and a bane. Stay ahead of the game by understanding the risks associated with AI, including reconnaissance, anomaly detection evasion, and fraudulent activities. It’s time to harness the power of AI while mitigating its dark side.
  1. Executive power: Leading the charge in security and compliance. Discover the critical role executives play in advancing security and compliance within your organization. Danielle Sheer, Chief Trust Officer at Commvault, emphasizes the need to understand your “house” and protect what’s inside it. Ignorance is not a defense. It’s time to make software safe and secure your organization’s future.

  1. Teamwork: It’s never been more important. As James Robinson, CISO of Netskope, shares, cybersecurity is a problem that affects more than just IT, engineering, and legal departments. Large breaches are a business problem that affects the whole company – both their data and the services they offer.

Conclusion: The secrets of cyber resilience are at your fingertips. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to watch our cybersecurity webinar on demand. Gain invaluable insights from industry experts, level up.

Watch the cybersecurity webinar on demand, and unlock the secrets to fortify your organization’s defenses.

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